| Home | Yeti OS | YPM | Turtle | Ubar | Game |

|-------------------------|  ,_____,
| YETI OS                 |  | . . |
|-------------------------|  | ._, |
| A bit-sized linux       |  |-----|
| distro for RPi zero     | / ,   , \
|-------------------------| |_'   '_|
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This is the webpage for Yeti OS. For general information on building and installing, see the github repo


Yeti OS comes with the following packages installed:

- musl
- binutils
- gcc
- busybox
- linux
- ypm
- make
- wpa_supplicant

None of the binaries are stripped during the build process. Stripping binaries can reduce the
size of the final system. Additionally, any binaries beginning with `armv6zk-linux-musleabihf-`
can be safely removed. These are binaries used in cross-compilation and are not useful on the final system.


The Yeti Package Manager (YPM) is used for package management and is built into the system by the
build script. However, you can use any package manager with Yeti.

Basic usage:
ypm -i [PACKAGE] to install [PACKAGE]
ypm -r [PACKAGE] to uninstall [PACKAGE]

See the YPM page and github repo for more detailed explanations.


The filesystem is slightly different than on other linux systems and is based on the Static Linux
filesystem (https://sta.li/filesystem). The directories are as follows:

/bin - executables
/dev - devices
/etc - system config and packages
/home - user dirs
/include - headers
/lib - libraries
/opt - weird packages
/proc - proc files
/run - run files
/sbin -> bin
/share - share stuff
/sys - sys files
/usr -> /
/var - var stuff

This could change in future. Fewer directories = simpler system.

If new directories or files start popping up in / it's probably because they were going to be
installed to /usr. If you want you can make /usr a directory instead of symlinking to / but this was
done for simplicity (who needs FOUR bin directories, TWO lib directories, and TWO include directories?)


Resources used throughout this project:

- Linux From Scratch (https://www.linuxfromscratch.org)
- Cross Linux From Scratch (https://clfs.org)
- Mussel (https://github.com/firasuke/mussel)
- Diy Linux Guide (https://github.com/AgentD/diy-linux-guide)
- PiLFS (https://intestinate.com/pilfs)
- Static Linux (https://sta.li)