Adithya V. Sastry Robotics + Origami Creator of Tin Can Linux Lover of all things tiny "A dream is not that which you see while sleeping, it is that which does not let you sleep." -- Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam
My current and past major projects. [~/projects] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This page is a catalog of major projects that I have taken up, both current and past. I am still updating this page with more of my past projects. Current Projects -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Improving Robotic Exploration Algorithms Using Reinforcement Learning Graph Pruning Techniques This project aims to improve existing graph based robotic exploration algorithms through the use of a novel RL-based graph pruning technique. >>> Read more ________________________________________________________________________ Tin Can Linux I recently began developing and maintaining a custom Linux distribution with an emphasis on compactness, understandability, and hackability. This talks a bit about why, how I got there, and the future direction for the distribution. >>> Read more >>> Official website Past Projects ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pion: Custom Arduino Design When I was frustrated with the lack of a small Uno-like Arduino that could easily be powered with a small rechargeable LiPo battery, I decided to design my own, and this was the result. >>> Read more ________________________________________________________________________ Frontier-Based Approach Utilizing the RRT Algorithm for Autonomous Exploration of Unknown Environments This project aimed to design a frontier-based exploration algorithm using RRTs to aid in the path planning process and identify regions in the environment requiring further exploration. >>> Read more Mini Projects -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yeti OS: Bit-Sized Linux Distro for the Raspberry Pi Zero This was one of my experiments in developing a custom Linux distribution that eventually led me to create Tin Can Linux. >>> Read more >>> Repository ________________________________________________________________________ Turtle: Tiny Xorg Window Manager in Rust This was an experiment in creating a custom window manager that I made while playing around with Kiss Linux. >>> Read more >>> Repository ________________________________________________________________________ Ubar: Tiny Status Bar for Xorg I made this 100-ish line C++ program to go along with Turtle. >>> Read more >>> Repository
============== Updates ==============News - 01/19/2025 Tin Can: 27 followers + 17 stars on GitHub News - 12/01/2024 Arc: first release candidate Post - 11/19/2024 LibTorch in Rust using FFIs News - 11/07/2024 Arc: rusty package manager for Linux Post - 06/23/2024 Shared Memory IPC in Rust