
Adithya V. Sastry

Robotics + Origami
Creator of Tin Can Linux
Lover of all things tiny

"A dream is not that which you see while
sleeping, it is that which does not let
you sleep."

-- Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

Heart on my sleeve - a place for my thoughts.                                [~]

My name is Adithya V. Sastry. I am a high school student in the Knoxville area
pursuing research in the fields of robotics and computer science. I am most
interested in applying origami to design tiny autonomous robots that take
inspiration from the morphology of insects. I am also intrigued by robotic
exploration algorithms, machine learning, and operating systems (specifically

My current research involves the use of reinforcement learning to prune dynamic
graphs that are used as part of robotic exploration algorithms, in order to
reduce the amount of information that must be stored and thereby improve the
performance of exploration. Read more about it here.

Besides these academic interests, I have been an avid origami enthusiast for
over ten years. I've folded hundreds of models and also designed a few of my
own. I have also recently picked up bonsai. You can check out some of my
creations via the tabs at the top.

About this site

This website is primarily meant to be a place to showcase my projects, write
about my interests and hobbies, and collect my thoughts in one place.

The site itself is built using 'sed' magic to insert plaintext / markdown-ish
documents into an HTML template using <pre> tags to preserve formatting. I
borrowed the idea from the Kiss Linux website, and it works quite nicely.


You can reach me over email at avs.origami@gmail.com.  snail
============== Updates ==============
News - 03/08/2025 Tin Can: 32 followers + 19 stars on GitHub News - 12/01/2024 Arc: first release candidate Post - 11/19/2024 LibTorch in Rust using FFIs News - 11/07/2024 Arc: rusty package manager for Linux Post - 06/23/2024 Shared Memory IPC in Rust